
Unlike many other physical activities that can be hard on your body, Yoga is a great choice that can make a positive difference in your physical and mental health, plus your spiritual and social well-being.

Yoga can help improve flexibility and ease some of the stress from your daily life. Yoga also been associated with increased longevity, lower anxiety, improved memory and improved athletic performance.

Meditation Day Thoughts Control Brain Calm
- Letting the day take control of us in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives is easy. We often find ourselves on the back foot, our minds wandering down rabbit holes of anxiety and stress. This is a common experience for many, and pulling ourselves out of this mental quagmire can be challenging. However, there is a powerful tool at our disposal that can help us regain control and navigate our day with more calm and focus: meditation. Understanding the power of meditation Meditation is more ... [Read More]

Bench Chest Shoulder Press Weight Pain
- THERE'S NO EXERCISE guys love more to anchor their chest day workouts than the classic barbell bench press . It has most of the characteristics a good chest exercise needs : you'll place a ton of stimulus on the muscle group and it can be progressively overloaded . Do it wrong, however, and you might begin to experience some shoulder pain while bench pressing. "No matter what kind of lifter you are, there's a very good chance that you either have dealt with shoulder pain, or you will deal with ... [Read More]

Qigong Body Health Mind Tai Chi Movements
- Qigong is a physical activity that aims to optimize energy within the body, mind and spirit with the goal of improving and maintaining health and well-being.  Qigong is a system of coordinated mind-body exercise forms that uses posture, meditation, breathing, and movement to increase energy and enables the body to heal itself to promote overall well-being when practiced consistently and mindfully.  These exercise movements and healing techniques were developed in ancient China and ... [Read More]

Foam Roller Foam Roller Floor Leg Side
- Welcome to Start TODAY. Sign up for our  Start TODAY newsletter  to receive daily inspiration sent to your inbox — and  join us on Instagram ! If you're sore from a workout and looking for a productive way to spend your rest day, consider spending some time with your foam roller. Foam rolling is an excellent way to speed up recovery since it relieves muscle tightness and soreness. It's also a great way to warm up the muscle pre-workout or help release tension and cool down ... [Read More]


Yoga Strength Hirsch Body Flexibility Time
- O nce you've gotten the hang of downward dog and happy baby, you might find it's time to level up your yoga practice. Trying more difficult intermediate poses not only challenges your balance and flexibility but also your mental strength as you work through the initial discomfort and self-doubt. Even as a beginner, you can attempt certain intermediate poses so long as you practice with a yoga teacher to nail down your form and properly breathe through the asanas. Here, Rachel Hirsch, E-RYT 500 ... [Read More]

Crow Hands Strength Teragawa Feet Body
- C row pose is a hallmark yoga move that requires strength, balance, and wrist mobility . If nailing it has been a challenge for you, know that you're certainly not alone. It's an advanced yoga pose that many people struggle with as they move through their practice. However, there are several ways you can ease into crow pose with other poses. Here's why you should consider including crow pose in your yoga practice, plus crow pose progression moves to practice if you're struggling with it. First ... [Read More]

Hands Yoga Sleep Hips Knees Feet
- Are you having trouble falling asleep at night because your mind is still racing from your day? You aren't alone. Luckily, there are plenty of tricks that could help you at bedtime , like reading, drinking a hot cup of herbal tea or journaling . But if those tips aren't enough and you're still struggling to get some shut-eye, practicing a few  yoga  poses may be your key to getting a better night's sleep.  For more natural ways to get better sleep, try these seven sleep aids for ... [Read More]


Hutchins Chair Yoga Spine Pain Ground
- K now what's fun? Waking up one day and realizing that you've gotten to the point in life where your back just brazenly hurts for what seems to be no good reason. Of course, the reality is, sitting for long periods of time, often hunched over our devices (hi, like I am while writing this!) is the most common culprit . Despite knowing that, though, it's difficult to transform our posture overnight, which means back pain persists. Thankfully, there are a few yoga moves you can do right from your ... [Read More]

Dog Downward Dog Yoga Move Body Arms
- Welcome to Start TODAY. Sign up for our Start TODAY newsletter to join the 30-day challenge and receive daily inspiration sent to your inbox. Yoga has become much more mainstream over the past decade or so. While you once needed to attend a yoga class to see certain poses, they are now incorporated into many types of workouts. Think: as a part of the warm up or cool down during bootcamps and incorporated into ab routines . Downward dog is one of those yoga exercises that has become a popular ... [Read More]


Muscles Core Yoga Position Hands Knees
- You can work more than your abdominals So much of yoga is about achieving a balancing act: Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Policy The ebb and flow of diaphragmatic breathing . The ability to firmly plant your feet on the ground but still remain flexible . Finding ways to focus on the present without being overwhelmed by your senses. When it comes to the ... [Read More]

Yoga Teacher Training Course Hour Courses
- When it comes to beginning someone's career in the field of yoga then 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh is the course to go for. This is a basic level course that provides the foundation knowledge to begin as a yoga teacher and form a basic personal yoga practice.  Rishikesh is known for providing the best 200 hour yoga teacher training courses. It is because of its natural environment which makes is perfect for the practice of yoga and its rich history associated with this art. ... [Read More]

Yoga Hiit Workout Hips Spine Hands
- This unlikely combination may just improve your flexibility and performance You're busy. Between long hours at work, family demands, and social obligations, it can be difficult to squeeze a workout in. That may be why high-intensity interval training (HIIT), has become the go-to for those seeking a quick— and effective—workout. HIIT incorporates short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or low activity. The Benefits of Adding Yoga to Your HIIT Routine HIIT ... [Read More]