Healthy Diet

Myth: In order to be fit you have to eat a specific way. Fact: There is no such thing as “the right way to eat”. Your body responds to the foods you eat in different ways and the best way to address your health is to learn what foods are healthy for you.

You probably already know that good eating habits is the key to good health, and that eating whole foods, fruits, vegetables and drinking plenty of water helps you to maintain a healthy diet. You can simply choose the healthy foods that you know work best for you and make them a staple in your diet. In the end, eating healthy should be fun and something that can be maintained throughout your life.

Fiber Supplements Supplement Health Sugar Fiber Supplements
- Article updated on July 26, 2024 at 3:00 PM PDT Fiber is an underrated hero of a nutrient and has many important health benefits. It helps us properly digest food as well as regulate our sugar levels and usage, but a shockingly low number of people are actually getting enough of it. It's important to include some of the many fiber-rich foods in your diet, but fiber supplements are a quick and easy way to meet your nutritional needs and keep your digestion on track.  There are a lot of ... [Read More]


Fiber Health Weight Beta Beta Glucan Glucan
- A new study using a mouse model of obesity concludes that a type of fiber called beta-glucan induced more weight loss than other forms of fiber. If the results are confirmed in human studies, the authors suggest that beta-glucan may be a "promising dietary strategy for metabolic disease." The research appears in The Journal of Nutrition . To understand the results of the study and provide actionable advice, Medical News Today contacted several experts for input, none of whom were involved in ... [Read More]

Protein Seeds Plant Plant Based Amino Complete Protein
- Plant-based protein has become increasingly popular as more people are exploring alternatives to animal-based products . Derived from sources such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains, plant-based protein offers a diverse and rich array of nutrients that are essential for maintaining a healthy diet. These proteins come in various forms, such as powders, protein bars , and even meat alternatives, making it easier than ever to incorporate them into everyday meals. The best part? Many of these ... [Read More]


Plant Plant Based Diets Diet Omega Myth
- Plant-based diets might be the best option for anyone looking to boost their health, reduce their carbon footprint, and embrace a more compassionate lifestyle. But despite their growing popularity, there are still plenty of myths and misconceptions floating around about going green with our plate. We're busting the most common plant-based diet myths wide open to see the truth behind the greens and grains. Myth #1: Plant-Based Diets Don't Provide Enough Protein One of the most persistent myths ... [Read More]

Chicken Foods Food Grains Charlyn Fargo Bread
- You hear a lot about ultra-processed foods these days. They have become the new thing to avoid. But it can be a little confusing to know what ultra-processed means. Milk is processed through pasteurization; tomatoes are processed into tomato sauce; even vegetables are processed when they are frozen or canned. These are all helpful things that make food available and affordable year-round. Ultra-processed foods are foods that have undergone processing that goes beyond preserving the food, ... [Read More]

Iron Mg Non Heme Iron Cup Vitamin People
- Iron is a trace mineral, which means our body only needs small amounts — but it plays a big role in our well-being. It's essential for producing hemoglobin, per the National Institutes of Health , which transports oxygen around our bodies. Without enough iron, our cells wouldn't get the oxygen they need to function properly – which can lead to a slew of issues, including feeling tired all the time and becoming short of breath. An iron shortfall can also lead to brittle or ... [Read More]


Cup Heart Pumpkin Plant Protein Seeds
- 3/4 cup unsalted roasted peanuts 3/4 cup unsalted roasted almonds 1 cup unsalted roasted pumpkin seeds (pepitas) 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 1/2 cup raisins or currants 3/4 cup plain oat or bran or whole-grain cereal Combine all ingredients. Measure out 1/4 cup servings in individual snack-size bags to make a healthy, portable snack. Peanuts : These popular legumes are an excellent source of plant-based protein and gut-friendly fiber. Peanuts also have heart-healthy unsaturated fats ... [Read More]

Milk Morning Night Sleep Day Time
- Rich in nutrients, milk offers vital vitamins and minerals, including potassium, calcium , and vitamin D. Because of its high protein content, it promotes muscle growth and repair, strengthens teeth and bones, and helps people maintain a healthy weight. Milk also strengthens the immune system, increases hydration, and improves metabolic performance in general. But have you wondered what's the best time to consume it to reap the best of this beverage. While drinking milk in the morning or at ... [Read More]

Emulsifiers Foods Baby Foods Health Milks Protein
- From breads and cereals to plant-based meats and milks, many products marketed as healthy options have undergone processes found to be linked to health harms Ultra-processed foods are those that contain no or few whole food ingredients and have undergone multiple processing steps where sweeteners, preservatives, colourings, flavourings and emulsifiers are added. These substances are often extracted from oils, fats, sugars, starches, and proteins, and they extend shelf life and make food more ... [Read More]

Blood Sugar Fiber Smoothie Cup Protein
- Smoothies can be nutritious, filling, and blood-sugar-supporting when made with the right ingredients. When made with too many high-glycemic fruits and sweeteners and not enough fiber, however, they can be just the opposite. Here's the secret to whipping up a satisfying smoothie that will taste delicious and keep your blood sugar in check, from an endocrinologist. How to avoid a blood sugar spike from your smoothie When you make a smoothie that's majority fruit and sweeteners, it can wind up ... [Read More]

Lauki Toxicity Content Juice Health Cucurbitacins
- Lauki, also known as bottle gourd, is extensively used in day-to-day cooking and is loved for its unique taste, texture and health quotient. While the internet is flooded with the benefits of lauki, there is a lesser-known downside to this oh-so-humble vegetable, which can trigger severe reactions due to the presence of a rare toxin. Read on to learn more about this vegetable. Lauki is a common vegetable and a quintessential part of Indian cuisine. Scientifically known as Lagenaria siceraria, ... [Read More]

Dv Mg Grams Degeneration Delicious Gut Studies
- 33 calories. 2.3 grams of protein. 2 grams of fiber. 6 grams of carbohydrates. 35 mg of vitamin C (39% DV). 0.32 mg of vitamin B6 . (19% DV). 0.184 mg of riboflavin (14% DV). 0.35 mg of manganese (15% DV). 47 mcg of folate (12% DV). 512 mg of potassium (11% DV). 0.104 mg of copper (12% DV). 0.73 mg of iron (4% DV). diabetes Studies show fiber healthy gut constipation bloating lower your risk of colon cancer immune system gut microbiome anemia carrots carotenoids Studies show macular ... [Read More]