
Fitness is a lifestyle choice, and the habits that you make help define your overall health and mental well-being. Whether your goal is to lose weight or just being healthy, creating goals is a great way to find success.

It is important to set your own goals that are right for you and stick with them. There are a variety of physical activities you can try, each of which can help shape your personal fitness regimen. The main thing is to keep with it, no matter your age or how you feel. Although it may not be easy, it is important to stay motivated and focus on your overall health and well-being.

Cable Skullcrusher Triceps Bench Top Cable Skullcrusher
- BELIEVE IT OR not, the skullcrusher isn't the name of a pro wrestler's signature move. It's actually a classic muscle-building exercise to isolate the triceps, the big muscles on the back of your arms. As beloved as the skullcrusher is, there's one key component missing in the way that even the most seasoned gym-goers approach the movement. Thankfully, there's a simple way to fix that flaw. Most guys do skullcrushers with free weights, using dumbbells or barbells to perform the movement. These ... [Read More]

Workout Body Hiit Pilates Impact Cardio
- Whether you have a home gym or just enough space in your apartment, streaming an exercise class from YouTube is a super easy (and free) way to sneak in a sweat and stay healthy. Plus, YouTube is an incredible resource to try pretty much any type of workout. From Pilates and yoga to dance cardio, you can find any almost any type of workout for your mood. Looking for some new workouts to try on YouTube? Here are 30 of the best workouts on YouTube . 15-Minute 2000s Dance Workout Want to get your ... [Read More]

Rowing Body Exercise Machines Muscle Impact
- Many machines are absolutely a must to have and among them, a rowing machine is one.  You can check out one of the and experience it all. If you don't know much about it, read on: Full-body workout for you The rowing machine provides a comprehensive full-body workout, engaging all the major muscle groups. Contrary to diverse other cardio machines, that simply incline to concentrate on the lower body, rowing promises that both the upper and lower body are equally challenged.  Anyhow, ... [Read More]

Workout Pilates Body Muscles Core Hiit
- If you want a heart-pumping workout without stressing your joints, you're in luck: This Pilates HIIT workout uses low-impact exercises to get you sweating. The final installment of Sweat With SELF's new Pilates series, this workout offers a combination of some of your favorite things: It's got "elements of Pilates, strength training, and high-intensity cardio," as Sina Riemann , a certified personal trainer and Pilates instructor based in New York City, says in the video. "We put it all in one ... [Read More]


Abs Reps Floor Core Sets Workout
- ARE YOU SPENDING your summer crunching away, trying to get visible abs for the remainder of the sunny season? You can pile up all the situp reps you want, but you won't be much closer to the core muscle you're training to build using just one type of movement. You'll need a smarter workout to achieve your six-pack goals, filled with moves that train some of the other functions of your core muscles . That's exactly what trainer Korey Rowe, ACE , is offering with this smart series from his new ... [Read More]

Skull Crushers Skull Crushers Triceps Yu Weight
- Your triceps will thank you. The name skull crushers isn't too enticing—I get it—but it's a great -toning move, and not as scary as it sounds. While it might be a little more advanced than other dumbbell exercises targeting the triceps, with the help of Winnie Yu, CSCS, a strength and mobility coach, you should be able to do them in no time. Skull crushers are an isolation move that really help you work your tris—a.k.a. the antagonist muscles to the . While the biceps are ... [Read More]

Dumbbells Body Floor Reps Core Tension
- SUMMERTIME IS SYNONYMOUS with vacation time, and for lots of guys, that means travel time. Taking a holiday can be a great break from the doldrums of everyday life—but if you're dedicated to your workout routine, your trip might actually feel like more of a disruption than a respite. When you're on the road, time, resources, and motivation might keep you from working out. Thankfully, you can get a solid sweat in that won't force you to go out of your way and find a whole gym's worth of ... [Read More]

Morning Workouts Day Exercise Evening Workout
- exercise goals Erik Van Iterson, PhD recommends moderate-intensity aerobic exercise resistance training successful exercise program associated Boosts metabolism before you start your day. Morning exercise can kickstart your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day — if that's what your workout goal is. Creates consistency. People tend to be more consistent with morning exercise, due to fewer distractions that are likely to interrupt their routines later in the day. ... [Read More]

Muscle Workout Joints Exercises Training Press
- HERE'S HOW I became an expert on building muscle when you're over 40: I turned 40 (and then 50 , but that's a slightly different story ). I started paying more attention to the many dishonest ways fitness in general—and strength training especially—is sold to men and women over 40. It starts with the generalization that everyone over 40 is in the same condition and has the same goals. At one extreme are bullshit claims that "age is just a number." This crowd promotes powerlifting ... [Read More]

Stretch Book Open Book Stretch Mobility Spine Position
- S pinal mobility is one of those things you don't think about until it's compromised. But, once you're faced with back pain, a stiff shoulder, or a tweaked neck, it's the only thing on your mind. The open book stretch is not only a tool you can reach for when you're hurting, but it's also a mobility exercise you can use proactively to maintain everyday functionality and prevent potential issues in the future. Spinal mobility is just like other aspects of physical fitness in that you "use it or ... [Read More]

Sleep Activity Duration Breaks Hours Minutes
- New study challenges traditional guidelines to not exercise before bed. A recent study published in the journal BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine found that taking short breaks for resistance exercises at night may improve overall sleep duration. The study concludes that incorporating three-minute exercise intervals every 30 minutes over a four-hour period can positively impact the amount of time an individual is able to stay asleep. Following this routine could have far-reaching implications ... [Read More]

Failure Muscle Strength Training Gains Strength Gains
- You can grow more muscle training close to failure, but strength gains follow a different pattern. In the world of fitness, the idea of pushing yourself to the brink of failure has long been championed. You just gotta squeeze that extra rep even though your hands are shaking on the barbell. However, recent research suggests that while training close to muscle failure can significantly enhance muscle growth, it might not be as crucial for strength gains. Understanding Proximity to Failure A new ... [Read More]