Unlike many other physical activities that can be hard on your body, Yoga is a great choice that can make a positive difference in your physical and mental health, plus your spiritual and social well-being.
Yoga can help improve flexibility and ease some of the stress from your daily life. Yoga also been associated with increased longevity, lower anxiety, improved memory and improved athletic performance.
Jan 17th, 2025 - It won't hurt to try. But scientists are only beginning to understand the links between the breath and the mind A t 7Breaths , a meditation studio in central London, groups of young-professional types gather several times a day simply to breathe. The studio offers yoga and meditation sessions but their signature class is focused on "breathwork". Those attending sit cross-legged atop small cushions in the warm, minimalist space, as an instructor gently guides them first to pay attention to their ... [Read More]
Jan 16th, 2025 - When it comes to the long list of things that are good for you, meditation is right up there with journaling , stretching , walking , and drinking enough water . You know it should be a top priority — and when you remember to do it, you always feel amazing — but it's still so easy to put it to the bottom of your to-do list. Over the years, I've dabbled in various meditation apps and have always loved how I feel after listening to a guided practice. I'm centered, grounded, and way ... [Read More]
Jan 15th, 2025 - When you're in the throes of depression, it can be difficult to find things that help you get back to feeling like yourself, let alone work up the motivation to actually do them. But according to research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry , it's worth it because you can reduce your depressive symptoms by doing this type of workout. Here's what they found. Studying the impact of hot yoga on depression For this study, researchers wanted to dig into the mental health benefits ... [Read More]
Jan 15th, 2025 - In a world dominated by modern medicine, many are turning to alternative therapies to find balance and wellness. Reflexology is one such practice, offering a natural and holistic approach to health through the art of therapeutic touch. Practitioners like Salford Reflexology have dedicated themselves to helping individuals achieve physical and emotional harmony. What is Reflexology? Reflexology is a complementary therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, or ... [Read More]
Jan 13th, 2025 - Sticking to a routine for anything can be a challenge, but when it comes to heart health, cardiologist Alejandro Junger, M.D., says there's one practice he tries to prioritize every day. "Sometimes I fail," Junger says, but "I try to meditate every day, no matter what." (Yep, even the most seasoned among us are flexible with their wellness routines.) How meditation supports heart health Meditation is often associated with mental health, and less so with heart health, but according to Junger, ... [Read More]
Jan 11th, 2025 - Here's what happens to your body during a hot fitness class. For some people, sweating through an intensely hot workout class can border on a spiritual experience. For others, a toasty studio simply offers some relief from frigid winter weather. Not all heated workouts are equally hot: Bikram yoga classes are typically 105 degrees with 40 percent humidity, while other heated classes can range from a cozy 80 degrees to a scorching 125. And while hot yoga is perhaps the most familiar heated ... [Read More]
Jan 6th, 2025 - H ot sculpt, hot spin, hot barre, and hot pilates classes are popping up everywhere. It's as if the fitness world collectively decided the more sweat the better. As the heat continues to turn up, many may wonder where the hell did this masochistic trend begin? It all comes back to hot yoga. For decades, celebs like Jennifer Aniston , Madonna, and George Clooney have credited hot yoga for staying in shape and feeling their best. "The detox that comes with sweat from hot yoga is unmatched," says ... [Read More]
Nov 23rd, 2024 - Growing a tiny human is amazing, but let's talk about that back pain—it's no fun, right? As your belly grows and your body shifts to make room for your little one, it can really take a toll on your back. But don't worry! Shyambhai Yoga has your back (literally). With some easy, pregnancy-safe yoga poses, you can stretch out the tension, strengthen your body, and feel so much better. No fancy moves or hardcore workouts here—just simple, gentle stretches designed to help with all the ... [Read More]
Oct 16th, 2024 - How Restorative Yoga Relaxes the Mind and Body Restorative yoga is a meditative type of yoga that focuses on long holds in gentle poses. Its purpose is to allow the body to relax and restore. Some yoga circles lovingly refer to it as the practice of learning to lie down in many ways. Unlike the more active forms of yoga, in which the body's muscles must work to hold the poses, props like blocks, bolsters, or blankets are used to hold the body in the poses so that the muscles can fully rest. ... [Read More]
Sep 25th, 2024 - Improves range of motion. Reduces risk of injuries. Helps with posture. gardening posture joint mobility aligning your spine your core Sitting for long periods of time. Aging. Injury. Inactivity. Stress . Genetics. Medical conditions. piriformis stretch Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees. Cross your right ankle over your left knee. You'll want to create a figure four with your right knee. Wrap your hands around your left thigh and gently pull it toward you. You can ... [Read More]
Sep 23rd, 2024 - As a mind-body practice that supports physical, mental, and spiritual development, yoga can help you lose weight. Yoga consists of three parts—the physical poses (asana), meditation (dhyana), and breath work (pranayama). The combination of these components creates a practice that can have positive effects on overall health. The physical practice of yoga can be great exercise, especially the more active forms of asana, the poses. The poses can help you build muscle, create endurance, and ... [Read More]
Sep 10th, 2024 - If you've ever been stressed or anxious (let's be honest, that's all of us at some point), you've probably been told to take a deep breath. In the moment, it can be hard to do. Especially if you're not sure how. Breathing for relaxation is more than the simple inhale and exhale you do multiple times per minute without thinking too hard about it. Intentional deep breathing exercises which involves a specific techniques are an effective way to and reduce anxiety. Whether you're feeling anxious ... [Read More]